Thursday, February 19, 2009

Long Term ADD

While I'm not foolish enough to think that I have readers, anyone who happened to stumble on this website in the last several months has probably noticed that I have not updated it since I first began the website with such blind enthusiasm. I'm beginning to think I have Long-Term Attention Defecit Disorder, or LTADD (Lieutenant Addition). My many interests, hobbies, and obsessions are too varied and dissimilar to allow me to focus on any one of them for extended periods of time. Thus, for two weeks in July 2008, I was obsessed with watching and reviewing movies and sharing the thoughts I had with the general public. 

After those two weeks subsided, my attention wandered, either to my punk rock band The Neverknown or to my poetry (two of my poems are soon to be published in [spaces]) or to the intricacies of the Vancouver Canucks off-season or to some other fleeting interest that will likely turn around and roundkick me in the face like a tired Chuck Norris meme sometime in the near future.

With that said, I was obviously overly ambitious in my plan to make such a tightly-focussed blog. However, I enjoy the name "No Spoiler Warnings" too much to let it simply lapse and fade into internet oblivion. From now on, this blog will focus on whatever catches my fancy at any particular point in time. Thus, you may well see the occassional movie review full of spoilers and devoid of warnings, but you will also see music reviews, thoughts on sports, poems and short fiction, various musings on culture and communication, and a copious amount of superfluous verbiage.


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